Friday, October 30, 2009

im not lucky woman.

GOD! i don't know what i'm thinking now. i'm accepted whatever i got from You. i was felt that happinese & sadness in my life. i'm never blame my bad fate on anybody. i'm just me & can't be another person (: i guess i'm the best woman for him, but the reality i'm not. i'm trying to be a good person in his life, but he's not appreciate it. sometimes, everyone think that i'm HAPPY and FINE but look a little closer, u'll see tears in my eyes. oh GOD! You know that, how much i need him to complete inside my soul. if i lost him, means i lost everything i have. i promise you that i will stand right by your side forever and always. please, don't go! stay with me until the that i die.


1 comment:

Ib H. said...

kamonn siskit la yaa.keno kuat lg!